

I am a busy person, and do not have much free time to write about my activities. However I do feel an increasing need to write some articles about some important topics.

You can expect to see some papers appearing in the future related to the topics mentioned below:

  • Introducing and enforcing open standards
  • What is the internet and its future?
  • Free software migration strategies
  • Free/FSFE software movement
  • Sustainable information technology
  • Dutch politics related to information technology
  • Open security vs security through obscurity
  • Vendor-lockins and vendor-capture strategies
  • E-learning and open-content for eduction

My Dutch websites


My Dutch articles

Nederlandse TV-kijker in de greep van Microsoft Silverlight

cacert website debian website ubuntu website nllgg website opendocument website opensource website fsfeurope website fedoraproject website noiv website gnuproject website